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The most recent updates from my various webpages. To keep up-to-date on the topics covered, follow @andrew_grantham on Twitter for railways (and other things which interest me), and @ConcreteEar for sound mirrors and suchlike.

Railways of Afghanistan

If you thought Afghanistan was bereft of railroads, read on for a story of international intrigue, invasion plans, the Great Game, and powers imperial and hydro-electric.

  • 12 February 2025Herat to Kandahar railway studies commissioned
    د هرات-کندهار د اوسپنيزې کرښې د تفصيلي ډيزاين اړوند (۵) تړونونه د شاوخوا (۲۶۴) ميليونه افغانيو په ارزښت له پنځو شرکتونه سره لاسليک شول۷مه، شعبان المعظم ۱۴۴۶د ا.ا.ا د ټولګټو سرپرست وزير محترم الحاج ملا …
  • 9 February 2025Iran to Afghanistan passenger trains next year?
    The railway from Khaf in Iran to Herat province is ready for passenger services, the official state news agency reports. Bakhtar News Agency says Mustafa Rezaei, CEO of the Afghanistan Railway Develop …
  • 4 February 2025Ministry of Public Works railway video
    در ماه جدی از طریق خطوط آهن (۴۰۸۸۷۶) متریک تُن انتقالات صورت گرفته است.👇 — Ministry of Public Works – د ټولگټو وزارت (@mopw_afg) February 3, 2025 …
  • 1 February 2025Kabul Mashin Khana railway
    A 1916 photo of the narrow gauge railway at the
  • 28 December 2024Afghan-built train
    Afghanistan’s National Development Corporation has unveiled a domestically made train(!). Anyone seen any details? Looks like a mining or construction train? د هیواد ملي پراختیا شرکت د لومړۍ ځل لپاره …

Sound mirrors

Follow @ConcreteEar on Twitter for sound mirror news and updates.

  • 10 November 2021US ‘Sound Mirror’ art exhibition
    VISITOR CENTER is pleased to present its inaugural exhibition ‘Sound Mirror,’ a solo exhibition by Audra Wolowiec featuring works on paper and sculptures investigating the materiality of sound and the …
  • 9 November 2021Sound mirror made for the 2015 Royal Academy Summer Show
    1:200 scale sound mirror made for the Royal Academy Summer Show 2015. “This concept model was made from acrylic and brass etching. It was predominately a flat base with a contoured detail depicting pa …
  • 2 September 2020Sound mirror talk and exhibition in Ramsgate
    Sonic reflections 09/09/2020 | 5 p.m. East Cliff Bandstand, Wellington Crescent, Ramsgate This talk will see guest speakers discussing their experience in researching the history & archaeology of …
  • 1 September 2020Exploratorium sound mirrors
    San Francisco sound mirrors: They have a pair of sound mirrors facing each other @exploratorium. Students always look happy trying them out. I can't help but think of those who spent many lonely …
  • 23 August 2020Kilnsea and Redcar
    A WW1 acoustic mirror lovingly preserved in the middle of a modern housing estate in Redcar, Cleveland. — KThomas O (@soullessparty) August 22, 2020

Railways of Iraq

  • 25 June 2018PC class streamlined loco photo
  • 29 November 2016Pictures of Baghdad Central station
    BBC report In pictures: The crown jewel of Iraq’s railway. See if you can spot the steam loco in the second and the last photos.
  • 13 April 2015Mobile friendly
    I have changed this website’s WordPress theme, so hopefully it should now be more mobile device friendly. Let me know if anything doesn’t work. Meanwhile, I would recommend following “Historical Railw …
  • 16 January 2015New coaches for Iraqi Republic Railways
    Tüvasaş has built 14 coaches for Iraqi Republic Railways, including 2 sleeping, 4 couchette and 2 restaurant cars — Railway Gazette (@railwaygazette) January 14, 2015
  • 29 September 2014Derailment response vehicle for IRR
    One of 7 Zagro derailment response vehicles ordered by Iraqi Republic Railways, on show at #InnoTrans — Railway Gazette (@railwaygazette) September 26, 2014

Other – travel and similar

If God had intended us to fly, He would never have given us the railways.