Freight from China arrives in Hairatan
Video showing freight service from China arriving at Hairatan.
ADB video of Afghan railway
Development Comes on a Train for Afghanistan’s Northern Regions is a video about the Mazar-i-Sharif railway published by the Asian Development Bank on 6 Ocotber 2016.
No work, no trade on empty Silk Road in northern Afghanistan
“Afghanistan’s once teeming Silk Road border town of Hairatan, a door to Central Asia, sees few travellers these days — its decline a barometer of economic depression in the country’s north”, says AFP.
Crossing the Friendship Bridge on foot
An article by traveller Jonny Blair describing crossing the Uzbekistan-Afghanistan border. It includes pictures of a freight train crossing the Friendship Bridge as he walks across.
At this moment a freight train energises its way past me, just to remind me there are other people around. I briefly envisage Ringo Starr belting out a shit Thomas the Tank Engine line. This is truly off the rails though.
Two videos of walking over the Friendship Bridge:
Amo Hairatan Oil Refinery video
A video of the Amo Hairatan Oil Refinery. There are no trains in the video as far as I can see, but a railway siding features from 09:54 and 10:18.
According to its website, Amo Hairatan Refinery LLC was registered in Afghanistan in 2012 by a partnership between citizens of Afghanistan and Azerbaijan. The plant was built on 4 hectares land, and has a monthly capacity of 15,000 tons of Afghan crude, which can be converted into diesel, gasoline, kerosene and furnace fuel oil.
Hairatan Harbor Economic Spot
A Radio Bayanshamal video about Hairatan. It is in Pashto (and is also available in Dari) so I don’t know what the commentary says, but it has some footage of TEM2-hauled freight trains and tank wagons.
1950s Afghan coal mine film
“1950s Afghanistan Coal Mine, Miners At Work, Industry – Rare 16mm Footage” from Kinolibrary, which is “an independent archive film agency based in East London. Supplying high quality, rare and inspiring archive footage to documentary makers, ad agencies and museums”.
The video features some narrow gauge V-tipper wagons.
CAREC video on Afghanistan
From 0:54 there is a brief glimpse of some trains in this ‘Linking Afghanistan to the World’ video from CAREC.
Trains in ADB video
An Asian Development Bank video features trains at 0:38, 1:41, 2:36.