In November 1950 Machinery Lloyd reported:
Tramways for Kabul
Preliminary plans have been worked out for the development of an electric tramway system for Kabul which should open possibilities for the sale of British equipment. The pro
Source: Machinery Lloyd, p151, 25 November 1950, Volume 22 Issue 3, Continental & Overseas Organisation Ltd
Google Books doesn’t show any more of the article than this snippet.
And not long afterwards, Foreign Commerce Weekly said:
A tramway company for Kabul was formed in August to develop an electric trolley service when current is available with the completion of the Sarobi power project.
Source: Foreign Commerce Weekly, p15, 19 February 1951, Volumes 42 No 8, US Department of Commerce
Kabul never got an electric tramway, however it did have a trolleybus system, with Czechoslovakian equipment.