The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved the administration of a European Union (EU) grant for the Transport Network Development Investment Program. The EU grant will help upgrade the Afghanistan Railway Authority and support efficiency improvements for traffic moving along CAREC Corridors 5 and 6 in Afghanistan, and across key cross border points as part of the fourth tranche of financing for the program. The program, which was approved in 2011, is supporting infrastructure upgrades and improved sector governance to strengthen access to domestic and international markets, which in turn will support increased trade, job creation and economic growth.
$109 million grant from ADB’s concessional Asian Development Fund. Cofinancing grant of up to $21 million equivalent from the EU, administered by ADB.Source: Afghanistan – Transport Network Program Administration of Grant New Briefs, Asian Development Bank, 12 December 2014
EU funds Secretariat for Railway Development
Regional Cooperation
The EU is increasing its work on regional cooperation, with a particular focus on Central Asia. We are currently supporting customs and border management, the Centre for Regional Cooperation within the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs which follows up on Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA) as well as regional economic cooperation issues, including the establishment of a Secretariat for Railway Development. A €22 million programme was committed for this purpose in 2010.
Source: Commissioner Piebalgs visits Afghanistan: Examples of EU aid to Afghanistan,, 2001-06-19
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