Records of more locos delivered to Afghanistan have been found by Simon Darvill.
These are two 600mm Deutz OMZ117 F 4wDM locos built in 1938 (w/ns 22732 & 3). They left Deutz on 25/2/1938 and were delivered to “Regierungseinkaufsstelle von Afghanistan, Berlin, für Karachi”. I believe that this translates as Government Purchase Place of Afghanistan – I am showing them as delivered to the Afghanistan Government. I assume that the Karachi reference is where they were shipped to and then were collected by whoever the end user was. Interestingly they were still working in 1954 as Deutz delivered two new A2L514 engines for them in that year. I have no idea the moment what they were used for but it is interesting that all industrial locos supplied to Afghanistan appear to be of the same gauge.